Are You Mocking Me? Why Digital Pregnancy Tests Suck

A funny thing happened on the way to the feminine hygiene aisle the other day. I had my toddler in the shopping cart, and we squeezed by a young woman anxiously perusing her choices in the family planning section. “Who’s that lady?” my daughter...

In the Powder Room: Is Pot the New Red Wine?

As a resident of Colorado, I’ve been wondering what the new marijuana legislation will do for the parenting community. Yeah, sure drug awareness education in schools, etc, but there’s another layer that has me curious. Come find out: I am In The Powder...

Dispelling Myths and Reinventing Motherhood

It’s time for our monthly installment of The Brilliant Book Club; if you’re joining us for the first time, each month, we– Jessica of School of Smock, Lauren of omnimom, Debra of Urban Moo Cow, Sarah of Left Brain Buddha, and myself– discuss a...
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