BlogHer ’13 and The Best and Worst of Blogging

In honor of BlogHer ’13, the biggest blogging conference around, which is happening right now in Chicago, our Finish the Sentence Friday topic is, The best and worst things about blogging are… Well. I could go on and on all day about this. I’ve...

Happy Blogiversary to Me: One Year of Mommy, for Real

In the blogging world, new bloggers often celebrate their one year anniversary of blogging by acknowledging it as their “blogiversary.” While it may seem a bit grandiose, it is kind of a rite of passage, and a nice opportunity to reflect back on the crazy...

Blogging: My Sanity Saver

I blog because otherwise I might explode. Like many other bloggers, I started my blog because I had begun writing a book, and I had no idea what to do with it. It didn’t take long before I realized how much effort it would take, how much criticism I would have...
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