Advocating For Your Kids Vs. Being A Helicopter Parent

Welcome back to the Around the World in Six Weeks Parenting Blog Carnival! Deb of Urban Moo Cow, Jessica of School of Smock, Lauren of Omnimom, Sarah of Left Brain Budda, and I have been writing about our reactions to Christine Gross-Loh’s Parenting Without...

Why I Can’t Wait for the Next Blogging Conference

My bucket list includes becoming a published writer, so I thought it would be a good idea to attend BlogHer ’13 in Chicago this year. I had some reservations, as it is somewhat expensive what with the flight and hotel, and I worried that I would feel overwhelmed...

BlogHer ’13 and The Best and Worst of Blogging

In honor of BlogHer ’13, the biggest blogging conference around, which is happening right now in Chicago, our Finish the Sentence Friday topic is, The best and worst things about blogging are… Well. I could go on and on all day about this. I’ve...

Introducing The HerStories Project

I am thrilled to announce our exciting HerStories news! Jessica and I began this series seven weeks ago as an exploration of the complexity and richness of women’s friendship. As the project evolved, we found ourselves drawn to the intriguing layer of friendship...
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